
 The course will aim to introduce basics of random graphs and illustrate via applications two types of graph limits - sparse graph limits (local weak convergence) and dense graph limits.

Galton-Watson trees- Extinction probability and other basic properties.
Erdos-Renyi random graphs - Subgraph counts, Cycle counts and Poisson approximation.
Local weak convergence - Converging graph sequences. Basic examples. Convergence of Erdos-Renyi graphs. Applications to subtree counts and phase transition.
Dense Graphs, Graph limits and Graphons.

Pre-Requisites: Probability I and II at B.Math level. Measure-theoretic probability. Recommended to attend Advanced Probability course in parallel.

Suggested Texts :

1. Sebastien Roch : Modern Discrete Probability : A toolkit. (Notes online).
2. G. Grimmett : Probability on Graphs.
3. Random Graphs - Svante Janson, Tomasz Luczak, Andrzej Rucinski.
4. Lecture notes on random graphs and probabilistic combinatorial optimization - Charles Bordenave (Notes online).
5. Random Graphs and Complex Networks - Remco Van Der Hofstad (Notes online).
6. Large Networks and Graph Limits - Laszlo Lovasz (American Mathematical Society).